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Embedded Ranking Tables

Embedded ranking tables help you to seamlessly integrate key SEO metrics into your apps.

Updated over 6 months ago

Embedded codes for Table, Project Metrics, Top Pages & Share of Voice

You can embed the full ViewKey report which includes the Project Metrics charts (Keyword Movement & Keywords in top positions for the last 30 days)and Keywords Table

Embedded codes for just the Table

To get the just the keyword ranking table with no metrics or charts, use the ViewKey link collected from the Collect ViewKey link for single project endpoint and replace the term “projects” with “project-share-table

Embedded codes for just the Share of Voice Table and Chart

To get the Share of Voice table & chart, use the ViewKey link collected from the Collect ViewKey link for single project endpoint and replace the term “projects” with “project-share-of-voice

How users can interact with the embedded tables

Historical charts

Users can view Historical data for all keywords by clicking the chart icon in the keyword ranking table

View SERP history: See Top 100 results since adding the keyword

Ranking URLS: see the top ranking URLs for a keyword

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