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Learn about our 100% Data-Based Verification

Updated over a year ago Provides 100% Data-Based Verification

Results can be verified by clicking on the Spyglass icon. To locate the Spyglass, you should hover over and look at the right side of your desired keyword.

In the Spyglass, you will be able to see a saved snapshot of the exact search results as we saw them.

The Spyglass tool is available for all keywords. If the keyword is not ranking, we will still show you who is ranking on the SERP.

Local Tracking Accuracy is able to support local rank tracking, down to the city or ZIP code.

As an example, we have a keyword, "dentist" tracking the location in "Toronto, ON, Canada".

As you can see from the Spyglass tool, this keyword is searched from the location of "Toronto, ON, Canada".

Let's try tracking the same keyword, with another location, "New York, NY, USA".

Using the Spyglass tool again, you can see results from "New York, NY, USA".

Still having issues?

You can click on the "Having issues with this keyword?" from within the Spyglass tool.

This will take you to a quick self-debug tool you can use to walk through the steps to see what is going on.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long as been providing ranking verification services?

We have been tracking rankings since 2011 and trusted by thousands of users that rely on to provide accurate rankings.

Why am I seeing different results than the Spyglass?

There can be several factors relating to this, the most common issues we found were:
1. If the keyword is set to track from a local city, be sure to do the same search from that city.

2. If there is no local city, we are searching the keyword from a general broad location

3. Be sure to do the search using an incognito or private browser so your results are not personalized

4. You will see different results depending on whether you search from mobile or desktop

5. Google data centers synchronization is not always up to date and you may be accessing a different data center.

6. The time between our ranking refresh and your manual search. Rankings can change over time and an on-demand refresh will bring in the latest results.

Why don't you track rankings after the top 100?

After vigorous testing, we have determined that our current depth level is the best use of resources while providing the most thorough tracking. We considered tracking more but realized anything ranking beyond the top 100 is equivalent to not being ranked at all so we decided to focus our resources on tracking the top 100.

We may occasionally change the depth of positions we track for each search engine.

Google - 100

Google Mobile - 100

Google Maps - 100

For keywords where rank is higher than position 50, verification results will end at position 60.

What is the automatic update time & frequency?

Our daily packages update every day at around 12:30 am EST, and finish updating by around 4-5 am EST.

There would be times that the daily updates will be delayed, this is totally normal. The daily updates are randomized and can appear at various times during the day, depending on which position you are in the queue.

If this happens, you may update your rankings manually by doing an on-demand refresh.

Why do I see different results for the same keyword

When you add any keyword we will do a unique search for this keyword. No matter what you add, even if it's a duplicate keyword, we're going to do a unique search for each keyword added in. So let's say you have two projects. You decide to add the same keyword to two different projects. You may see one reporting at #8, and the other one might be reporting at #9. This is because we do a unique search for both keywords and we don't cache the data, so we may get two different results.

Depending on the Google Data Center we get connected to, you may see a slight discrepancy. This is completely normal from our experience and it can be seen as good because it will give you a wider range of results of where your site may be ranking for different people. In a few days, it should stabilize. This will give you a more granular set of results.

How do I manually refresh my keyword rankings?

Simply click on the refresh icon on the top left, next to the project name.

You have an allocated amount of on-demand keyword refreshes you can use every day.

You can also use the right-side checkboxes to tick off the keywords you wish to refresh, then click the refresh icon on the top left to refresh the selection.

How does 'Last Updated Time' work?

The "Last Updated" value displayed is the value of the most recently updated keyword. For example, if there are two keywords, and one was updated 1 minute ago, and the other 8 hours ago, the project would display a "Last Updated" value of 1 minute ago. The exact values are always displayed within our API.

The refreshing of keywords is by batches and it goes through a queue. Some of your keywords will be refreshed immediately and some will be at the end or in the middle of the queue. If you are on bi-hourly updates and your keywords are still in the queue, you may see the last refresh of your keywords show "2~ hours ago".

A featured snippet is a quick summary that is placed at the top of the SERPs. A single website is linked out from the featured snippet.

They are counted as position #1. If there is a featured snippet, the first organic position will be treated as #2. A black flag with a star icon will indicate if your URL was found in the featured snippet.

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