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White Labeling Your Reports

Add your logo and description to create customized branded reports with your Company Information

Updated over a week ago

Reports can be rebranded with your own logo and descriptions. These can be great for anyone handling multiple clients.

Account Level

Account-wide customization can be updated within your Brand Setting.

To access this, go to 3 dots menu -> Viewkey Brand Settings

Here you can choose to:

Hide "Verified by"

Use Whitelabel Domain (

Display Company Information in ViewKeys

  • Company Name

  • Company URL Link

  • Company Logo URL

  • Company Description

You can also Override Viewkey Logo/ Description per Project.

Project Level

From the Project you would like to override, click the 3-dots menu -> Viewkey Project Settings

Now toggle "Override Account-Wide Viewkey Branding" and you will be able to change the following only for this Project.

  • Company Name

  • Company URL Link

  • Company Logo URL

  • Company Description

We can also support a native CNAME custom subdomain for accounts with 3000+ keywords. Please contact us using the button below if you would like us to set this up on your account.

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